Simpladent Implant Solutions Pvt Ltd was formed in April 2013 in New Delhi. The Company is Registered and Licenced in India through Central Drug And Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) Govt Of India.

We work on the principle of placing implants at a strategic position and loading it before bone remodelling starts, thus completing the case within 72 hrs following Immediate Functional Loading Protocol. We are the importer and sole distributor of Immediate Functional Loading Of Implants (Basal Implants / Strategic ® Implants ) of Ihde Dental Gmbh and Simpladent Gmbh Implants in India.

The Company has emerged as a Business Leader in the marketing and distribution of Strategic Implants® in India and has reached almost all states across India. We also offer dental implant training India for dentists and surgeons who want to learn the most advanced corto-basal dental implant technology.

No Sinus Lift

No Sinus Lift

No Sinus Lift – Making painful sinus lift dental implants a thing of the past The dental implant called the no sinus lift implant provides a less traumatic and painful solution that minimizes swelling and allows patients to return to their normal lives a day or less after the procedure. The system involves a closed…

Key Hole Surgery

Loss of a tooth or multiple teeth is a general Dental problem, therefore the replacement of these missing teeth is of eminent importance in today’s society. Dental Implants are generally considered the hallmark method for replacing the missing teeth, but if you are scared of this long surgical procedures during the placement of an implant,…

Bloodless Surgery

With the Advancement in technology and high standards of surgical equipment, the new period has made dental medical procedures Bloodless and Painless. Bloodless surgery is an approach to health care that bypasses the use of transfused blood. It has evolved over the last two decades, however, to include changed attitudes toward blood conservation as well…

Pterygoid Implants

Pterygoid implants and Zygomatic are two types of long implants that are used when the patient has inadequate quantity or quality of bone to hold implants of regular dimensions. The pterygoid implant is an axial implant installed through the maxillary tuberosity with fixation apically in the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone and the pyramidal…